Thursday, December 20, 2012

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

In these final days of 2012, Congress faces important fiscal decisions. The actions our leaders take — or don’t take — will critically impact people who struggle with hunger and live in poverty.

As members of the ELCA, we serve our vulnerable neighbors in our communities and around the world every day, and out of this experience, we encourage our public officials to advance the common good by protecting programs that help our neighbors rise out of poverty.

Your action is needed now: the House of Representatives is slated to vote tonight on two bills that would undermine crucial supports for people living in poverty. 

Tell your representative, as he or she votes this evening, to prioritize the needs of families and children living in poverty, and remind your senators that you care deeply about how decisions made in the current fiscal debate impact vulnerable people.

Click here to call your members of Congress now Look for the talking points to help guide your conversation.  (This information can be found on the ELCA Advocacy website by clicking

In the days, weeks and months ahead, our nation should work to reduce our federal deficits in ways that do not increase poverty or inequality. Tell your senators and representative to work together, devising a balanced approach that defends programs and policies that aid low-income people and help hurting families attain economic security.

Members of Congress need to hear from people of faith — click here to call to your senators and representative now.   This information can be found on the ELCA Advocacy website by clicking

As the debate over deficit reduction, tax policy and federal spending continues, ELCA members and other people of faith are forming a “Circle of Protection” around programs that aid hungry and poor people.

Pastor Doug