Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Not a Fan of Jesus

I'm not a fan of Jesus.  There, I said it.  Now before you grab the nearest pitchfork and torch, let me explain.

I'm not a fan, but I am a follower.  Or at least I try to follow.  (Though more often than not, I think I do a pretty sucky job of it).  Let's face it, it's a lot easier being a fan than a follower.  Fans can watch from a distance without having to exert much energy.  Fans are entertained by somebody else's actions.  Fans talk and talk about the game without ever having to play it.  Fans can be armchair Christians deluding themselves into thinking they have insider information about Jesus and the will of God.  Finally, fans can change team loyalties anytime.  Whenever I'm sick of cheering a team of losers, I can switch jerseys and root for whoever is winning. 

In a recent Huffington Post blog, Mark Sandlin writes  that "when we are fans of Jesus rather than followers of Jesus, our focus is inward turned".  He goes on to write that in this self-centered fandom, it's easy to "forget there is a world of hurting people who we are not only called to stand with but who we are to recognize as equally created in the image of God."

I think he may be on to something here.  Jesus doesn't tell me things I want to hear.  Sure I love when he tells me that he is the Shepherd and I am his sheep.  I love when I read that God so loved the world he gave his only son. I'm a fan of that!   But there's a whole bunch of other things that I'd prefer to leave behind if truth be told.  I'm not sure that I can be a fan of someone who tells me to love my enemies and to do good to those who hate me.  I know I'm not comfortable blessing those who curse me and praying for those who abuse me.  And who does this Jesus think he is telling me not to judge lest I myself be judged?  And what's up with that "new commandment" to love one another just as Christ has loved us?  Christ poured out his life for us.  Am I really supposed to do that for the guy down the street I don't know or even like?

Fans pick and choose what they like without risk of any personal investment.  Followers.... well followers actually walk into the same crappy places Jesus goes breaking down barriers and giving up their lives.  Getting down and dirty with the broken and hurting world around us is what following Jesus is all about.  It's neither fun nor entertaining and it's sure as hell not easy.

In Philippians, the Apostle Paul exhorts those who would follow Jesus to "look not to your own interests but to the interests of others letting the same mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus who...emptied himself taking the form of a slave...and became obedient to the point of death - even death on a cross" (Philippians 2:4-8).

I don't know anybody who's a fan of emptying oneself and taking the form of a slave, nor do I know many people (myself included) who are fans of looking to the interests of others.  But that is the call that Jesus issues not just to you and me but to the whole church.  Maybe the church's purpose then is not to entertain or be entertained, nor is it to talk about God.  Maybe the church's purpose is to follow Jesus into the broken world helping those who wish to follow Jesus do so in ways that are faithful and authentic.  Maybe the church's job is to change lives.  And why not?  Changed lives change the world.  And maybe - just maybe - changing the world is what following Jesus is all about.

Peace and Love,
Pastor Doug