Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Top 10 Reasons why kids are welcomed in worship...

10. Repeated exposure to the sights, sounds, symbols and crazy "Jesus loves you" stories in worship help form all Christians.

9. Children actually like sitting in those usually-empty front row seats so they can see and hear what's going on.

8. It would be expensive to paint a bunch of signs to read, "Incarnate Word only welcomes adults".

7. Practice makes perfect - teaching young children to enjoy and participate in the service helps them become active and receptive worshipping adults.

6. There are no pop quizzes in the Communion line.  We all experience the Eucharist as a mystery... you don't have to be able to explain it in order to benefit from it.  (your pastors sure can't).

5. Children have their own unique relationship with God.  Being in church helps them learn how to pray, sing, worship and otherwise strengthen that relationship.

4. If children aren't in church, who are the candy un-wrapping, restless, coughing, whispering adults going to blame for the noise?

3. Sunday worship makes great family-togetherness time.  Use the quiet space for extra hand-holding or snuggling time that may get lost during a busy week.

2. Children teach us what absolute joy looks like - and what better place to experience that than in church?

And the number one reason why kids are welcomed in worship:

1. The circle of God's family is incomplete without them!